4. Advent – To early…

Hey, I’m back now! Although I was not on vacation, but skis were already tried. And I bake Cookies already! It´s the fourth Advent now, don´t forget that!
Somehow strange, right? Normally we are ready with all Christmas arrangements at fourth Advent, and celebrating already the holidays. This year: You had to do four tests after the after that, and you are still not through with the Christmas arrangements. Strange, that you must have the gifts already at the fourth advent next year ,then there is Christmas already.But I´ll be in New Zealand at Christmas next year! I am really looking forward to it!

Some of my presents for Christmas are Homemade. I think everybody love selfmade gifts, and becourse of that, I will upload some last-minute-gift ideas on 20.12. Not all my selfmade things, then I would`nt have a gift for some friends, but I think three or four.


And until then: Beautiful 4th Advent!

See you Tuesday! Jana

PS: If you have Ideas for self-made stuff and presents for christmas, send it to me! Then there could be more than only three or four ideas.



Update, 20.12.2016:

Hello, I think you have seen that, I didn´t post a last-minute-gift special today. Sorry for that. But before Christmas there will be a special with Ideas how to decorate your Room or house. For that I need Ideas too…

See you, Jana


PS: No post like that came online, because I have problems with the pictures. I´ll try to fix that…

2 responses to “4. Advent – To early…”

  1. Hey Jana,
    fand die Zeit mit dir super. Der Blog erinnert mich immer an die nette Zeit mit Dir. Schade das Du nicht nochmal mitkommst, bist ein tolles Mädchen und ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn wir uns nochmal treffen würden.
    Bist echt toll und bleib wie du bist.
    Dein Alex
    PS wir werden dich dieses Jahr vermissen!