Category: Blog

  • A short Update

    Sorry, but the post about Thüringen´ll come a bit later. Maybe I´m writing about London earlier, than about Austria. But first I´m going to write about an exchange. next week I´ll go to Holland with some classmates. There we´ll going to stay in the family’s from our exchange students. I´m very looking forward to it!…

  • Berlin – eine große Stadt

    Ich war vor ca. 3 Wochen mit meiner Familie in Berlin. Übernachtet haben wir auf einem Campingplatz in Malhow. Dort war es sehr schön, und wir haben viel Federball gespielt.Wir waren viel in der Stadt. [su_gmap address=”Berlin, Germany” class=”Berlin”] Fernsehturm, Brandenburger Tor, Bundestag Wenn man jemanden fragt, was die Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin sind, bekommt man…

  • School, I´ve missed you!

    Vacation? I´ll see you next autumn! After 6 weeks Vacation had started school again. It´s nice, is´nt it? In a week I´ll wonder how I was happy, that school has started. I´ll be angry with my teachers because of the homework…  But now I want to enjoy the first week, And I hope we won´t…